"""Sequence provider class."""
import logging
from collections.abc import Callable
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import Any
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pypulseq.opts import Opts
from pypulseq.Sequence.sequence import Sequence
from scipy.signal import resample
import console
from console.interfaces.dimensions import Dimensions
from console.interfaces.unrolled_sequence import UnrolledSequence
from line_profiler import profile
except ImportError:
def profile(func: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]:
"""Define placeholder for profile decorator."""
return func
INT16_MAX = np.iinfo(np.int16).max
INT16_MIN = np.iinfo(np.int16).min
default_opts: Opts = Opts()
default_fov_scaling: Dimensions = Dimensions(1, 1, 1)
default_fov_offset: Dimensions = Dimensions(0, 0, 0)
class SequenceProvider(Sequence):
"""Sequence provider class.
This object is inherited from pulseq sequence object, so that all methods of the
pypulseq ``Sequence`` object can be accessed.
The main functionality of the ``SequenceProvider`` is to unroll a given pulseq sequence.
Usually the first step is to read a sequence file. The unrolling step can be achieved using
the ``unroll_sequence()`` function.
>>> seq = SequenceProvider()
>>> seq.read("./seq_file.seq")
>>> sqnc, gate, total_samples = seq.unroll_sequence()
__name__: str = "SequenceProvider"
def __init__(
gradient_efficiency: list[float],
gpa_gain: list[float],
high_impedance: list[bool],
output_limits: list[int] | None = None,
spcm_dwell_time: float = 1 / 20e6,
rf_to_mvolt: float = 1,
system: Opts = default_opts,
"""Initialize sequence provider class which is used to unroll a pulseq sequence.
Output limit per channel in mV, includes both, RF and gradients, e.g. [200, 6000, 6000, 6000]
Efficiency of the gradient coils in mT/m/A, e.g. [0.4e-3, 0.4e-3, 0.4e-3]
Gain factor of the GPA per gradient channel, e.g. [4.7, 4.7, 4.7]
spcm_dwell_time, optional
Sampling time raster of the output waveform (depends on spectrum card), by default 1/20e6
rf_to_mvolt, optional
Translation of RF waveform from pulseq (Hz) to mV, by default 1
system, optional
System options from pypulseq, by default Opts()
self.log = logging.getLogger("SeqProv")
self.rf_to_mvolt = rf_to_mvolt
self.spcm_freq = 1 / spcm_dwell_time
self.spcm_dwell_time = spcm_dwell_time
if len(gradient_efficiency) != 3:
raise ValueError("Invalid number of gradient efficiency values, 3 values must be provided")
if len(gpa_gain) != 3:
raise ValueError("Invalid number of GPA gain values, 3 values must be provided")
if isinstance(output_limits, list) and len(output_limits) != 4:
raise ValueError("Invalid number of output limits, 4 values must be provided.")
if len(high_impedance) != 4:
raise ValueError("Invalid number of output impedance indicators, 4 values must be provided.")
except ValueError as err:
self.log.exception(err, exc_info=True)
# Set impedance scaling factor, 0.5 if impedance is high, 1 if impedance is 50 ohms
# Halve RF scaling factor if impedance is high, because the card output doubles for high impedance
self.imp_scaling = [0.5 if z else 1 for z in high_impedance]
self.high_impedance = high_impedance
self.gpa_gain: list[float] = gpa_gain
self.grad_eff: list[float] = gradient_efficiency
self.output_limits: list[int] = output_limits if output_limits is not None else []
self.larmor_freq: float = float("nan")
self.sample_count: int = 0
self._sqnc_cache: list = []
def dict(self) -> dict:
"""Abstract method which returns variables for logging in dictionary."""
return {
"rf_to_mvolt": self.rf_to_mvolt,
"spcm_freq": self.spcm_freq,
"spcm_dwell_time": self.spcm_dwell_time,
"gpa_gain": self.gpa_gain,
"gradient_efficiency": self.grad_eff,
"output_limits": self.output_limits,
"larmor_freq": self.larmor_freq,
"sample_count": self.sample_count
def from_pypulseq(self, seq: Sequence) -> None:
"""Cast a pypulseq ``Sequence`` instance to this ``SequenceProvider``.
If argument is a valid ``Sequence`` instance, all the attributes of
``Sequence`` are set in this ``SequenceProvider`` (inherits from ``Sequence``).
Pypulseq ``Sequence`` instance
seq is not a valid pypulseq ``Sequence`` instance
Key of Sequence instance not
if not isinstance(seq, Sequence):
raise ValueError("Provided object is not an instance of pypulseq Sequence")
for key, value in seq.__dict__.items():
# Check if attribute exists
if not hasattr(self, key):
# raise AttributeError("Attribute %s not found in SequenceProvider" % key)
# Set attribute
setattr(self, key, value)
except (ValueError, AttributeError) as err:
self.log.exception(err, exc_info=True)
raise err
def calculate_rf(
block: SimpleNamespace,
unroll_arr: np.ndarray,
b1_scaling: float,
unblanking: np.ndarray,
num_samples_rf_start: int = 0,
) -> None:
"""Calculate RF sample points to be played by TX card.
Pulseq RF block
Section of numpy array which will contain unrolled RF event
Experiment dependent scaling factor of the RF amplitude
Unblanking signal which is updated in-place for the calculated RF event
Number of samples until the first RF event in the sequence.
This value is important to calculate the correct carrier wave phase offset.
Array with sample points of RF waveform as int16 values
Invalid RF block
if not block.type == "rf":
raise ValueError("Sequence block event is not a valid RF event.")
except ValueError as err:
self.log.exception(err, exc_info=True)
raise err
# Calculate the number of delay samples before an RF event (and unblanking)
# Dead-time is automatically set as delay! Delay accounts for start of RF event
num_samples_delay = int(max(block.dead_time, block.delay) * self.spcm_freq)
# Calculate the number of dead-time samples between unblanking and RF event
# Delay - dead-time samples account for start of unblanking
num_samples_dead_time = int(block.dead_time * self.spcm_freq)
# Calculate the number of ringdown samples at the end of RF pulse
# num_samgles_ringdown = int(block.ringdown_time * self.spcm_freq)
# Calculate the number of RF shape sample points
num_samples = int(block.shape_dur * self.spcm_freq)
# Set unblanking signal: 16th bit set to 1 (high)
unblanking_start = num_samples_delay - num_samples_dead_time
unblanking_end = num_samples_delay + num_samples
unblanking[unblanking_start:unblanking_end] = 1
# Calculate the static phase offset, defined by RF pulse
phase_offset = np.exp(1j * block.phase_offset)
# Calculate scaled envelope and convert to int16 scale (not datatype, since we use complex numbers)
# Perform this step here to save computation time, num. of envelope samples << num. of resampled signal
# RF scaling according to B1 calibration and "device" (translation from pulseq to output voltage)
rf_scaling = b1_scaling * self.rf_to_mvolt * self.imp_scaling[0] / self.output_limits[0]
if np.abs(np.amax(envelope_scaled := block.signal * phase_offset * rf_scaling)) > 1:
raise ValueError("RF magnitude exceeds output limit.")
except ValueError as err:
self.log.exception(err, exc_info=True)
raise err
envelope_scaled = envelope_scaled * INT16_MAX
# Resampling of scaled complex envelope
envelope = resample(envelope_scaled, num=num_samples)
# Calculate phase offset of RF according to total sample count
carrier_phase_samples = self.sample_count + num_samples_delay - num_samples_rf_start
carrier_phase_offset = carrier_phase_samples * self.spcm_dwell_time
# Only precalculate carrier time array, calculate carriere here to take into account the
# frequency and phase offsets of an RF block event
carrier_time = np.arange(num_samples) * self.spcm_dwell_time
carrier = np.exp(2j * np.pi * ((self.larmor_freq + block.freq_offset) * carrier_time + carrier_phase_offset))
# Calculate position indices for unrolled RF event
idx_signal_end = num_samples_delay + num_samples
# Check if end index of unrolled signal exceeds available array dimension
if idx_signal_end > unroll_arr.size:
raise IndexError("Unrolled RF event exceeds number of block samples")
# Write unrolled RF event in place
unroll_arr[num_samples_delay:idx_signal_end] = (envelope * carrier).real.astype(np.int16)
except IndexError as err:
self.log.exception(err, exc_info=True)
raise err
def calculate_gradient(self, block: SimpleNamespace, unroll_arr: np.ndarray, fov_scaling: float) -> None:
"""Calculate spectrum-card sample points of a pypulseq gradient block event.
Gradient block from pypulseq sequence, type must be grad or trap
Section of numpy array which will contain the unrolled gradient event
Scaling factor to adjust the FoV.
Factor is applied to the whole gradient waveform, excepton the amplitude offset.
Array with sample points of RF waveform as int16 values
Invalid block type (must be either ``grad`` or ``trap``),
gradient amplitude exceeds channel maximum output level
Unrolled gradient waveform does not fit in unrolled array shape
# Both gradient types have a delay, calculate delay in number of samples
samples_delay = int(block.delay * self.spcm_freq)
# Index of this gradient, dependent on channel designation, offset of 1 to start at channel 1
idx = ["x", "y", "z"].index(block.channel)
# Calculate gradient offset int16 value from mV
# block.channel is either x, y or z and used to obtain correct gradient offset dimension/channel
offset = getattr(console.parameter.gradient_offset, block.channel) / INT16_MAX * self.output_limits[idx + 1]
# Calculat gradient waveform scaling
scaling = fov_scaling * self.imp_scaling[idx + 1] / (42.58e3 * self.gpa_gain[idx] * self.grad_eff[idx])
# Calculate the gradient waveform relative to max output (within the interval [0, 1])
if block.type == "grad":
# Arbitrary gradient waveform, interpolate linearly
# This function requires float input => cast to int16 afterwards
if np.amax(waveform := block.waveform * scaling) + offset > self.output_limits[idx + 1]:
raise ValueError(
"Amplitude of %s (%s) gradient exceeded output limit (%s)"
% (
self.output_limits[idx + 1],
# Trasnfer mV floating point waveform values to int16 if amplitude check passed
waveform *= INT16_MAX / self.output_limits[idx + 1]
gradient = np.interp(
int(block.shape_dur / self.spcm_dwell_time),
elif block.type == "trap":
# Construct trapezoidal gradient from rise, flat and fall sections
if np.amax(flat_amp := block.amplitude * scaling) + offset > self.output_limits[idx + 1]:
raise ValueError(
f"Amplitude of {block.channel} gradient exceeded max. amplitude {self.output_limits[idx + 1]}."
# Trasnfer mV floating point flat amplitude to int16 if amplitude check passed
flat_amp = np.int16(flat_amp * INT16_MAX / self.output_limits[idx + 1])
rise = np.linspace(
int(block.rise_time / self.spcm_dwell_time),
flat = np.full(
int(block.flat_time / self.spcm_dwell_time),
fall = np.linspace(
int(block.fall_time / self.spcm_dwell_time),
gradient = np.concatenate((rise, flat, fall))
raise ValueError("Block is not a valid gradient block")
# Check if gradient waveform fits into unroll array space
if (index_end := samples_delay + gradient.size) > unroll_arr.size:
raise IndexError("Unrolled gradient event exceeds number of block samples")
# Add gradient waveform (trapezoid or arbitrary) in place
unroll_arr[samples_delay:index_end] = gradient
except (ValueError, IndexError) as err:
self.log.exception(err, exc_info=True)
raise err
def add_adc_gate(self, block: SimpleNamespace, gate: np.ndarray, clk_ref: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Add ADC gate signal and reference signal during gate inplace to gate and reference arrays.
ADC event of sequence block.
Gate array, predefined by zeros. If ADC event is present, the corresponding range is set to one.
Phase reference array, predefined by zeros. Digital signal during ADC which encodes the signal phase.
delay = max(int(block.delay * self.spcm_freq), int(block.dead_time * self.spcm_freq))
adc_dur = block.num_samples * block.dwell
adc_len = round(adc_dur * self.spcm_freq)
# Gate signal
gate[delay : delay + adc_len] = 1
# Calculate reference signal with phase offset (dependent on total number of samples at beginning of adc)
offset = self.sample_count * self.spcm_dwell_time
ref_time = np.arange(clk_ref.size) * self.spcm_dwell_time
# Time consuming operation, if computed over the whole gate
# Instead limit to max(clk_ref.size, 2000) to use at most the first 2000 samples for phase synchronization
# 2000 samples == 0.1 ms, at 2 MHz this still covers 200 cycles
ref_signal = np.exp(2j * np.pi * (self.larmor_freq * ref_time + offset))
# Digital reference signal, sin > 0 is high, 16th bit set to 1 (high)
clk_ref[ref_signal > 0] = 1
def unroll_sequence(self) -> UnrolledSequence:
"""Unroll the pypulseq sequence description.
TODO: Update this docstring
(Larmor) frequency of the carrier RF waveform
b1_scaling, optional
Factor for the RF waveform, which is to be calibrated per coil and phantom (load), by default 1.0
fov_scaling, optional
Per channel factor for the gradient waveforms to scale the field of fiew (FOV),
by default Dimensions(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
Instance of an unrolled sequence object which contains a list of numpy arrays with
the block-wise calculated sample points in correct spectrum card order (Fortran).
The list of unrolled sequence arrays is returned as uint16 values which contain a digital
signal encoded by 15th bit. Only the RF channel does not contain a digital signal.
In addition, the adc and unblanking signals are returned as list of numpy arrays in the
unrolled sequence instance.
Larmor frequency too large
No block events defined
Sequence timing check failed
Amplitude limits not provided
For channels ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3, data values n = 0, 1, ..., N are ordered the following way.
>>> data = [ch0_0, ch1_0, ch2_0, ch3_0, ch0_1, ch1_1, ..., ch0_n, ..., ch3_N]
Per channel data can be extracted by the following code.
>>> rf = seq[0::4]
>>> gx = (seq[1::4] << 1).astype(np.int16)
>>> gy = (seq[2::4] << 1).astype(np.int16)
>>> gz = (seq[3::4] << 1).astype(np.int16)
All the gradient channels contain a digital signal encoded by the 15th bit.
- `gx`: ADC gate signal
- `gy`: Reference signal for phase correction
- `gz`: RF unblanking signal
The following example shows, how to extract the digital signals
>>> adc_gate = seq[1::4].astype(np.uint16) >> 15
>>> reference = seq[2::4].astype(np.uint16) >> 15
>>> unblanking = seq[3::4].astype(np.uint16) >> 15
As the 15th bit is not encoding the sign (as usual for int16), the values are casted to uint16 before shifting.
if self._sqnc_cache:
self._sqnc_cache = []
# Check larmor frequency
if console.parameter.larmor_frequency > 10e6:
raise ValueError("Larmor frequency is above 10 MHz: %s MHz",
console.parameter.larmor_frequency * 1e-6)
self.larmor_freq = console.parameter.larmor_frequency
# Check if sequence has block events
if not len(self.block_events) > 0:
raise ValueError("No block events found")
# Sequence timing check
check, seq_err = self.check_timing()
if not check:
raise ValueError(f"Sequence timing check failed: {seq_err}")
except ValueError as err:
self.log.exception(err, exc_info=True)
raise err
# Get all blocks in a list and pre-calculate number of sample points per block
# to allocate empty sequence array.
blocks = [self.get_block(k) for k in list(self.block_events.keys())]
samples_per_block = [round(block.block_duration / self.spcm_dwell_time) for block in blocks]
# Internal list of arrays to store sequence and digital signals
# Empty list of list, 4 channels => 4 times n_samples
# Sequence, ADC events, unblanking and reference signal (for phase synchronization)
_seq = [np.zeros(4 * n, dtype=np.int16) for n in samples_per_block]
_adc = [np.zeros(n, dtype=np.int16) for n in samples_per_block]
_unblanking = [np.zeros(n, dtype=np.int16) for n in samples_per_block]
_ref = [np.zeros(n, dtype=np.int16) for n in samples_per_block]
# Count the total number of sample points and gate signals
self.sample_count = 0
adc_count: int = 0
rf_start_sample_pos: int | None = None
for k, (n_samples, block) in enumerate(zip(samples_per_block, blocks, strict=True)):
if block.rf is not None and block.rf.signal.size > 0:
# Every 4th value in _seq starting at index 0 belongs to RF
if rf_start_sample_pos is None:
rf_start_sample_pos = self.sample_count
if block.adc is not None:
self.add_adc_gate(block.adc, _adc[k], _ref[k])
adc_count += 1
if block.gx is not None:
# Every 4th value in _seq starting at index 1 belongs to x gradient
block=block.gx, unroll_arr=_seq[k][1::4], fov_scaling=console.parameter.fov_scaling.x
if block.gy is not None:
# Every 4th value in _seq starting at index 2 belongs to y gradient
block=block.gy, unroll_arr=_seq[k][2::4], fov_scaling=console.parameter.fov_scaling.y
if block.gz is not None:
# Every 4th value in _seq starting at index 3 belongs to z gradient
block=block.gz, unroll_arr=_seq[k][3::4], fov_scaling=console.parameter.fov_scaling.z
# Bitwise operations to merge gx with adc and gy with unblanking
_seq[k][1::4] = _seq[k][1::4].view(np.uint16) >> 1 | (_adc[k] << 15)
_seq[k][2::4] = _seq[k][2::4].view(np.uint16) >> 1 | (_ref[k] << 15)
_seq[k][3::4] = _seq[k][3::4].view(np.uint16) >> 1 | (_unblanking[k] << 15)
# Count the total amount of samples (for one channel) to keep track of the phase
self.sample_count += n_samples
"Unrolled sequence; Total sample points: %s; Total block events: %s",
# Save unrolled sequence in class
self._sqnc_cache = _seq
return UnrolledSequence(
def plot_unrolled(
self, time_range: tuple[float, float] = (0, -1)
) -> tuple[mpl.figure.Figure, np.ndarray]:
"""Plot unrolled waveforms for replay.
time_range, default = (0, -1)
Specify the time range of the plot in seconds.
If the second value is smaller then the first or -1, the whole sequence is plotted.
Matplotlib figure and axis
fig, axis = plt.subplots(5, 1, figsize=(16, 9))
if not self._sqnc_cache:
print("No unrolled sequence...")
return fig, axis
seq_start = int(time_range[0] * self.spcm_freq)
seq_end = int(time_range[1] * self.spcm_freq) if time_range[1] > time_range[0] else -1
samples = np.arange(self.sample_count, dtype=float)[seq_start:seq_end] * self.spcm_dwell_time * 1e3
sqnc = np.concatenate(self._sqnc_cache)
rf_signal = sqnc[0::4][seq_start:seq_end]
gx_signal = sqnc[1::4][seq_start:seq_end]
gy_signal = sqnc[2::4][seq_start:seq_end]
gz_signal = sqnc[3::4][seq_start:seq_end]
# Get digital signals
adc_gate = gx_signal.astype(np.uint16) >> 15
unblanking = gz_signal.astype(np.uint16) >> 15
# Get gradient waveforms
rf_signal = rf_signal / np.abs(np.iinfo(np.int16).min)
gx_signal = (np.uint16(gx_signal) << 1).astype(np.int16) / 2**15
gy_signal = (np.uint16(gy_signal) << 1).astype(np.int16) / 2**15
gz_signal = (np.uint16(gz_signal) << 1).astype(np.int16) / 2**15
axis[0].plot(samples, self.output_limits[0] * rf_signal / self.imp_scaling[0])
axis[1].plot(samples, self.output_limits[1] * gx_signal / self.imp_scaling[1])
axis[2].plot(samples, self.output_limits[2] * gy_signal / self.imp_scaling[2])
axis[3].plot(samples, self.output_limits[3] * gz_signal / self.imp_scaling[3])
axis[4].plot(samples, adc_gate, label="ADC gate")
axis[4].plot(samples, unblanking, label="RF unblanking")
axis[0].set_ylabel("RF [mV]")
axis[1].set_ylabel("Gx [mV]")
axis[2].set_ylabel("Gy [mV]")
axis[3].set_ylabel("Gz [mV]")
axis[4].legend(loc="upper right")
_ = [ax.grid(axis="x") for ax in axis]
axis[4].set_xlabel("Time [ms]")
return fig, axis