Source code for console.utilities.ddc

"""Digital down converter (DDC) function."""
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import decimate

[docs] def filter_moving_average(signal, decimation: int = 100, overlap: int = 8): r"""Decimate data using a moving average filter. $kernel = e^{\frac{-1}{1 - x^2}} * \sin{2.073 * \pi \ x} / x, \; x = -1, ..., 1$ Parameters ---------- signal Unprocessed raw signal to be decimated and filtered. Input signal shape is supposed to be [averages, coils, phase encoding, readout]. Downsampling is applied to the readout dimension. decimation, optional Decimation factor, by default 100 overlap, optional Overlap factor of the kernel. If 2, kernel is applied every kernel_size/2, if 4 every kerne_size/4 and so on. By default 4 Returns ------- Downsampled signal """ # Calculate kernel size kernel_size = int(overlap * decimation) # Exponential function for resampling # To prevent division by zero for [-1, 1, 0], noise at the scale of 1e-20 is added # kernel_noise = np.random.choice(list(range(-9, 0)) + list(range(1, 10)), kernel_size) * 1e-3 kernel_space = np.linspace(-1 + 1e-10, 1 - 1e-10, kernel_size) kernel_space[kernel_space == 0] = 1e-10 # Define kernel kernel = np.exp(-1 / (1 - kernel_space**2)) * np.sin(kernel_space * 2.073 * np.pi) / kernel_space # Integral for normalization norm = np.sum(kernel) # Calculate size of down-sampled signal # num_ddc_samples = signal.shape[-1] // decimation num_ddc_samples = round(signal.shape[-1] / decimation) signal_filtered = np.zeros(signal.shape[:-1] + (num_ddc_samples,), dtype=complex) # Zero-padding of signal to center down-sampled signal n_pad = [(0, 0)] * signal.ndim n_pad[-1] = (int(overlap * decimation / 2),) * 2 signal_pad = np.pad(signal, pad_width=n_pad, mode="constant", constant_values=[0]) # 1D strided convolution for k in range(num_ddc_samples): # _tmp = np.sum(signal_pad[..., k * decimation : k * decimation + kernel_size] * kernel) _tmp = signal_pad[..., k * decimation : k * decimation + kernel_size] @ kernel signal_filtered[..., k] = 2 * _tmp / norm return signal_filtered
[docs] def filter_cic_fir_comp(signal, decimation, number_of_stages): """Decimate data using CIC filter and FIR compensation. Two stage decimation: (1) CIC decimation by decimation/2 rate (2) FIR decimation by factor 2 The signal size after decimation can be determined by >>> signal.shape[-1] // decimation The number of decimated samples after the first stage depends output sample size. Any left over samples in CIC decimation stage are truncated. Parameters ---------- signal Unprocessed raw signal to be decimated and filtered. Input signal shape is supposed to be [averages, coils, phase encoding, readout]. Downsampling is applied to the readout dimension. decimation Decimation factor, by default 100. Must be even, since decimation is performed in two steps. number_of_stages Number of CIC stages. Returns ------- Downsampled signal Raises ------ ValueError Uneven decimation factor. """ cic_samples = 2 * (signal.shape[-1] // decimation) cic_decimation = signal.shape[-1] // cic_samples # CIC integrator Stages for _ in range(number_of_stages): signal = np.cumsum(signal, axis=-1) # CIC decimation, truncate decimated signal to cic_samples (throw last sample if present) decimated_signal = signal[..., :: int(cic_decimation)][..., :cic_samples] # Comb Stages for _ in range(number_of_stages): delayed_signal = np.zeros_like(decimated_signal) delayed_signal[..., 1:] = decimated_signal[..., :-1] decimated_signal = decimated_signal - delayed_signal # Normalization gain = np.power(cic_decimation, number_of_stages) decimated_signal = decimated_signal / gain # Apply FIR decimation with decimation factor of 2 along readout axis return decimate(x=decimated_signal, q=2, ftype="fir", axis=-1)